I ordered a new phone today, because my old phone couldn't send text messages properly anymore, so I wanted a new phone for some time now, but I couldn't find the right one... I'm a huge Nokia fan, and have always had a Nokia phone, but the prices are too high on the Nokia phones that I want, so I found this Samsung phone at a decent price and with touchscreen!! :D Yay! So hopefully Monday, maybe Thuesday I'll get my new phone!! :D This is the one:
A Samsung S5230 in pink! ^^

Well, my boyfriend is to a Christmas party at work, so I'm home alone, and pretty bored, so I will now post all the phones I had through the years (just for fun ;) )
My first cell phone was a Nokia 5110, this big old thing I got used from a friend when I was about 10 years old (1999)

My next cell phone was the Nokia 3310, it was a HUGE succes here, and everyone had it! I bought it when I was about 11/12 years old (2000/2001)

My third phone was the Nokia N-Gage! I Looooove this phone! It unique and geeky and totally awesome! If it didn't stop working I would still be using it! <3 The best phone EVER! ^^ I was about 14 years old when I got it (2003)

And my last and recent phone was the Nokia 5300 XpressMusic. It had been great, but it's not a nice looking phone at all, and the red sides gets darker because they get dirty.. Kinda disgusting... I was 18 when I bought it (2007)

I change my phone really rarely, because my monthly payment for the use gets cheeper over time.. But I don't need a new phone all the time either, I only change when the phone stops working ;)
What's your favorite cell phone? Please write in a comment! :D
Well, I hope you all will have a great night!
Hugs Heidi
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