Hi Everyone! :D
I know that some people think it really hard to pluck their eyebrows and they don't know how they should look.. Well, I'm gonna show how I've learned to do it ;)
Step 1:
Take a pencil or eyeliner and put it up beside your nose and up to your eyebrow. Thats where your eyebrow should stop. You can draw a small line to see where you need to remove some of your brow
Step 2:
Now take your pencil and look straight with your eyes. Put the pencil where the color in your eyes stops, that's where your brow should make a curve up.
Step 3:
Now take your pencil and put it up where your eye stops, and down beside where your nose stops. The pencil now shows you where your eyebrow should end. If your brow is longer than that, you can make it shorter, so it fits your face better.
There's a lot of different ways to pluck your eyebrows. You can make it thick or thin, long or short, with a high arch or just straight across.
When your brows are thicker you will look younger, because of the childish look with thick/fuller brows. Here's an example:
Marion Cotillard played Edith Piaff in the movie "La vie en rose" where she had very thin brows compared to her natural brows. I think she looks older and the thin brows!
I think brows are a very important part of you face and expression, (ad sorry if I offend someone) but I really don't understand those girls who pluck their brows so straight and thin.. I don't think that look suits anyone! But here's some of the people who I think have beautiful brows! :D
Amy Lee - Singer Evanescence |
Keira Knightley - Actress |
Helena Bonham Carter - Actress |
Have a great day! :D
Hugs! Heidi