Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Guild Gathering done

Hi Guys and girls!

So now the Guild Gathering as almost done! We had a BLAST and it was REALLY awesome! People are so nice and cool, and the weather has been a lot better than last year! The first people started arriving the 16'th July and the last people leaves tomorrow the 29'th of July :D So roughly two weeks we have had guests :D It's been fun and we have laughed a alot!! ;)

Here's a picture when we were at the Beach :D I'm the girl in the blue dress ^^

But even though we had a lot of fun, I really can't wait to be alone with my Boyfriend again, and get the apartment cleaned up.. It's quite a mess up here right now..

I really want to get the last furniture aswell, cause the bedroom is really messy cause my stuff it still standing in boxes all over the place in there.... It kinda sucks.. There's still a couple of things we need to get done, and I'm looking forward to get that done.. Whenever it's going to be done ;) heheh

I'm also getting the letter if I get in to the Child Care Education or not this week, probably not before Saturday, so I'm really looking forward to get some notice now, because if I don't get in..... I'm pretty much lost.. So cross your fingers and wish me luck! ^^

But right now I'm not really doing anything, kinda bored, just watching some TV and eating some candy, while my Boyfriend and the 4 boys that's left are raiding in World of Warcraft ;)

I'll promise to post more often, even though my life probably gets more borring when I start studding again.. Well, We'll see ;) hehe

But, have a great night boys and girls out in the world! :D

Hugs Heidi

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Guild Gathering

Hi guys and girls! :D

So we're having a guild gathering again this year, and I'm positive that it's gonna be a blast :D

Guild Gathering is a gathering for my boyfriends guild i World of Warcraft :D Not all the people are still in the guild, but they were here last year, so that's why they are here again this year ;)

There's people from most of Europe, Holland, Sweden, England, Finland and ofcause Denmark ;)

Were probably gonna end up beeing 23 peope when we are the most :D

We have put up a huge tent to sit in, last year we were in the garage ^^ Hahah

I'll probably gonna post some pictures through the week :D

Last year were a BLAST and I'm sure it'll be again this year :D

We are playing Rock Band, Wii, going to the beach, going to a rollercoaster park and maybe be drinking a little (hehehee) ;)

Have a great week!

(Oh, and it's going great in the apartment, making dinner and everything now ;) Hahah) Gonna post some new pics in the next week probably ;) )

See ya, and have a great day! (I'm writing at 15.40 DK time! It's not night! Wow! :P hahaha )
